Saturday, August 13, 2011

3.1 Sexual and Asexual reproduction

describe the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction

Sexual Reproduction
- show genders (Male/ Female)
- produce cells called gametes (sperm- male, egg- female)
- meiosis (cell reproduction which produces gametes) …
half total number of chromosome in the gamete cells 
for example, in human, the total number of chromosome in adult human is 46 but only 23 in gamete cells
- ferterlisation (in which sperm cell and egg cell fuse together)
- broad variation (many differences in the individuals)

Asexual Reproduction
- no genders
- no gametes
- mitosis (in eukaryotic cells)/ binary fission (in prokaryotic bacterial cells)
in this case, the number of chromosomes is maintain constantly throughout
- no ferterlisation
- small variation or identical (clone) due to mutation

What are the factors that determine whether an organism reproduces sexually or asexually?

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