Sunday, February 5, 2012

2.86 Eyes

2.86 Describe the structure and function of the eyes as receptor
Eye is the receptor that detects light.
Stimulus : Light
Sense: Sight

Ciliary Muscles - contract or relax to alter shape of the lens (for focusing)
Cornea - allows light in and bends light
Iris - (colored part of the eyes) change pupil size to control the amount of light entering the eyes
Pupil - hole in the centre of the eye in which light enters
Lens - change shape to focus light (of near and far objects)
Vitreous Humour - (transparent, jellylike substance) supports the back of the eyes
Retina - contains receptor cells (nerves) which is concentrated on one part of the eye. It change light into electrical impulse
- Rods - sensitive in dim light (but can't see colors as cones does not work well in dark) 
- Cones - detect colors, work best in bright light
Sclera - Protect the eyes
Suspensory ligaments - hold lens in place as it changes shape (pulls or contract lens in response to ciliary muscle)
Optic nerve - carries electrical impulse to the brain (not receptor!)

The eyes contain three pairs of eye muscles which helps it move.
Circular & Radial - located in the iris, controls pupil size  
Ciliary - controls lens shape

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